How To Become A Pinterest Manager? 10 Proven Strategies To Have

Elmundodeals Staff

Editor’s name : Elmundodeals Staff | Uploaded On 19/10/2023

How To Become A Pinterest Manager

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How To Become A Pinterest Manager? – Proven Strategies To Have For Pinterest Manager Business

Are you looking to become a Pinterest manager but need help figuring out where to start? Don’t worry – with the right strategies, it’s possible for anyone to navigate this quickly growing-field successfully.

By following these 10 proven strategies, you can reach your goal of becoming a Pinterest Manager in no time.

Working as a Pinterest Manager allows you a certain level of flexibility and creativity that few clients in other professions are able to offer.

What is Pinterest?

What is Pinterest?

Pinterest is a popular social media platform that allows users to discover, save, and share ideas on virtual bulletin boards known as “pinboards.” Launched in 2010, Pinterest has grown into a highly influential visual search engine with over 450 million active users worldwide.

The platform is unique in its focus on visuals – users can create and curate boards filled with images, videos, and GIFs related to a specific topic or interest. These pins can then be organized into various categories: fashion, food, home decor, travel, and more.

Pinterest users can also follow other users or boards to discover new content and ideas that align with their interests. Additionally, the platform offers a range of tools for businesses to promote their products and Pinterest services, making it a valuable marketing tool.

With its highly engaged user base and visual-driven format, Pinterest has become an essential platform for businesses to increase their online presence and reach potential customers.

What is a Pinterest manager?

A Pinterest manager is a social media professional who specializes in managing and growing a brand’s presence on Pinterest. They are responsible for creating and implementing effective strategies to increase a brand’s reach engagement and drive traffic and sales through the social media platform.

Pinterest managers work closely with businesses to develop an understanding of their target audience, goals, and brand identity. They then create and curate visually appealing content to showcase the business owner’s products or services in a way that resonates with their audience.

Additionally, Pinterest managers are also responsible for analyzing data and trends to continuously optimize their strategies and achieve the best results for their clients. It may include monitoring Pinterest analytics, staying updated on algorithm changes, and researching new methods and techniques to stay ahead of the competition.

Overall, a Pinterest manager plays a crucial role in helping businesses establish and maintain a strong presence on this visual platform, making it an exciting and highly sought-after career path for social media professionals.

Difference between social media managers and Pinterest managers

Difference between social media managers and Pinterest managers

While Pinterest managers and social media managers may seem like interchangeable roles, the two have significant differences.

Social media managers are responsible for managing a brand’s presence on various social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. They handle all aspects of a brand’s online presence, including content creation, community management, and advertising.

On the other hand, Pinterest managers focus solely on managing a brand’s presence on Pinterest. They specialize in creating visually appealing content for the platform and optimizing strategies to drive traffic and sales through pins.

Due to its unique visual-driven format, Pinterest requires a specialized skill set that sets it apart from other social media platforms, making it necessary for businesses to hire dedicated Pinterest managers.

What does a Pinterest manager do?

As a Pinterest manager, you’ll be responsible for various tasks related to managing a brand’s presence on the platform. Here are some of the critical responsibilities of a Pinterest Manager:

  • Creating visually appealing pins that align with the brand’s identity and target audience.
  • Developing and implementing effective strategies to increase reach engagement and drive traffic and sales through Pinterest.
  • Conducting keyword research and optimizing SEO pins to improve their platform visibility.
  • Curating boards and organizing pins to showcase a variety of visual content related to the brand’s products or services.
  • Monitoring Pinterest analytics and using data to optimize strategies for better results continuously.
  • Staying updated on algorithm changes, new features, and trends on the platform to stay ahead of the competition.
  • Collaborating with other team members, such as designers and copywriters, to create high-quality content for Pinterest.
  • Managing sponsored pins and advertising campaigns on Pinterest to increase brand awareness and drive conversions.
  • Engaging with followers and responding to comments and messages in a timely manner.
  • Continuously researching new strategies and techniques to improve performance and stay ahead of the curve.

The 10 Step-By-Step Guide To Become A Pinterest VA Or A Full-Time Pinterest Manager

Step-By-Step Guide To Become A Pinterest VA Or A Full-Time Pinterest Manager

There are the 10 proven strategies you can follow to become a successful Pinterest manager:

1. Learn Pinterest marketing

To become a Pinterest manager, it is crucial to have a strong understanding of the platform and how it works. This includes knowing its unique features, algorithm changes, and best practices for marketing on the platform.

Many free resources available online can help you learn the ins and outs of Pinterest marketing, such as blogs, webinars, and YouTube tutorials. Furthermore, you can also consider taking online courses or attending workshops to gain more in-depth knowledge and practical skills.

2. Create a website promoting your services

One of the first steps you want to take towards becoming a successful Pinterest manager is creating an online presence for yourself. It can be in the form of a website or a personal blog where you can showcase your skills and services as a Pinterest manager.

An online portfolio makes it easier for potential clients to find and learn more about your work, increasing your chances of getting hired. It also allows you to showcase your expertise and build credibility in the industry.

When creating a website, make sure to include information about your services, packages, rates, and testimonials from previous clients to showcase your experience and success as a Pinterest manager. You can also share examples of successful campaigns you have managed or any certifications or training you have completed related to Pinterest marketing.

3. Create a Free Pinterest portfolio.

In addition to having a website, creating a free Pinterest portfolio showcasing your work from home is also beneficial. A portfolio allows potential clients to see your skills in action and better understand how you can help their business grow on the platform.

Your Pinterest portfolio should include boards with examples of pins you have created for previous clients and any other relevant content, such as infographics, videos, or GIFs. You can also include statistics and results from campaigns you have managed to showcase your success as a Pinterest manager.

4. Check out the competition And Emulate

Please look at other successful Pinterest managers in the industry and see what strategies they use to achieve success. It can help you understand what works and what doesn’t on the platform and give you ideas for your strategy.

You can also reach out to other Pinterest managers for mentorship or advice, as well as join online communities or forums to stay updated on industry trends and connect with like-minded individuals.

How To Become A Pinterest Manager? 10 Proven Strategies To Have

5. Research and create pricing packages

As a Pinterest manager, you’ll need to determine your pricing structure for your services. Research what other Pinterest managers are charging and evaluate your skills, experience, and the value you bring to justify your rates.

Consider creating different packages to cater to different types of clients with varying budgets and needs. It can also streamline your services and make it easier for potential clients to understand what you can offer.

Also, be open to negotiation and adapt your packages as needed to accommodate each client’s specific needs.

6. Find Clients And Reach Out To Them

The 6th and full-time, one of the most challenging steps to becoming a successful Pinterest manager is finding clients.

Start by reaching out to businesses in your niche that could benefit from your services. You can also leverage your personal and professional network to spread the word and tell them more about your services.

Additionally, you can use social media platforms like LinkedIn or Twitter to connect with potential clients and showcase your expertise. Feel free to cold pitch your services or offer a free consultation to showcase the value you can bring to the first client and their business.

Remember to include a link to your website or portfolio in your pitches and communication to make it easier for potential clients to learn more about you.

7. Market to acquaintances and past clients

Word-of-mouth marketing is powerful, especially in the digital world. Ask your friends, family, and past clients to help spread the word about your services. You can also incentivize them by offering referral discounts or bonuses for every client they refer to you.

Additionally, ensure you provide excellent service to all your clients so that they are more likely to recommend you to others and even want to become repeat clients themselves.

8. Cold marketing outreach

Similar to reaching out to potential clients through social media or email, consider cold marketing outreach. This involves identifying businesses you think could benefit from your services and sending them a personalized pitch explaining how you can help their business grow on Pinterest.

Please thoroughly research the other business owners beforehand and tailor your pitch to their specific needs and goals. Personalization is vital in cold outreach, and it can increase your chances of getting a response and securing a client.

9. Join Facebook groups

How To Become A Pinterest Manager? 10 Proven Strategies To Have

Facebook groups are a great way to network and connect with potential clients in your niche. Search for relevant groups related to Pinterest marketing or entrepreneurship and actively participate by sharing valuable insights, asking questions, and offering help.

Avoid self-promotion in these groups, as it can come across as spammy, but make sure to have a link to your website or portfolio in your profile for interested members to check out.

Moreover, you can also join groups specifically for entrepreneurs or small business owners and offer your services there. Many businesses are looking for affordable and effective ways to market their brand, making these groups a goldmine for potential clients.

10. Do More Research

Pinterest is constantly evolving, and as a Pinterest manager, it’s crucial to stay updated on the latest trends, updates, and best practices. Keep learning and improving your skills by attending webinar workshops or taking online courses related to Pinterest marketing.

You can also follow influential figures in the industry on social media or subscribe to newsletters from trusted sources for regular updates and insights.

Finally, keep experimenting with different strategies and constantly analyze the results to see what’s working and what can be improved. Continuous learning and adapting are crucial to becoming a successful Pinterest manager.

With these 10 proven strategies, you can become a successful Pinterest manager and help businesses thrive on the platform. Remember to continuously refine your skills, stay updated on industry trends, and always provide excellent service to ensure long-term success in this ever-changing digital landscape.

How long does it take to become a Pinterest manager?

The time it takes to become a successful Pinterest manager can vary depending on several factors. These include your prior knowledge and experience in digital marketing, dedication to learning and improving your skills, and the demand for Pinterest management services in your niche.

For those with little to no prior experience in digital marketing, it may take several months to a year of consistent learning and practice to become proficient in Pinterest management. It includes familiarizing yourself with the platform, understanding its features and algorithms, and learning how to create effective strategies for different types of businesses.

However, for those who already have a background in digital marketing or social media management, the process may be faster as they can leverage their existing skills and knowledge. They may only need to focus on learning the specific nuances of Pinterest and how to tailor their strategies for this platform.

Furthermore, the demand for Pinterest management services can also influence how long it takes to become a successful manager. In highly competitive niches with many businesses already utilizing Pinterest, it may take longer to establish yourself as a reputable and in-demand manager.

On the other hand, if there is a high demand for Pinterest management in your niche, you may see success and growth more quickly.

How do Pinterest managers make money?

Unlock the key to a thriving work-from-home career in Pinterest management

Pinterest managers typically make money through their services, which can include a variety of tasks such as creating and managing successful Pinterest accounts, optimizing pins and boards, running ad campaigns, and providing analytics and reporting for clients. They can charge on an hourly basis or offer packages with set prices for specific services.

Some Pinterest managers may also monetize their expertise by offering consulting services, courses, or hosting webinars and workshops. They can also earn income through affiliate marketing by promoting tools and resources that may be useful for businesses utilizing Pinterest.

As a Pinterest manager, it’s essential to determine your pricing structure based on the value you bring to clients, your level of experience and expertise, and the demand for your services in the market.

Continuously reassessing and adjusting your prices as you gain more experience and establish yourself as a reliable and successful manager can help ensure you are adequately compensated for your services.

Lastly, some Pinterest managers may also earn passive income through sponsored content or collaborations with brands on the platform. This can include creating pins or boards promoting products or services in exchange for payment or free products.

Overall, there are various ways for Pinterest managers to make money, and it’s important to determine which avenues work best for you and your own business.

How do Pinterest managers get Potential clients?

As mentioned earlier, cold outreach through email or LinkedIn can be an effective means of acquiring clients. However, many other ways exist to attract potential clients and grow your freelance business as a Pinterest manager.

1) Utilize the power of networking: Attend industry events, conferences, and workshops related to digital marketing or entrepreneurship. This will allow you to network with potential clients and showcase your expertise and services.

2) Leverage social media: Utilize platforms like Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook to showcase your work as a Pinterest manager, share helpful tips and insights, and engage with potential clients. You can also join relevant groups on these platforms and offer services there.

3) Collaborate with other businesses: Reach out to companies in complementary niches and offer to collaborate on Pinterest marketing efforts. It can help expand your reach and attract new clients.

4) Utilize Pinterest itself: Use the platform to showcase your work, create helpful content, and engage with potential clients. You can also utilize time Pinterest ads to target businesses in your niche.

Join A Paid Course With a Private Community (Quickest Way)

As mentioned earlier, taking a course or joining a community can significantly accelerate your learning and growth as a freelance Pinterest manager. This provides you with valuable knowledge and resources and allows you to connect with like-minded individuals who can support and guide you along the way.

When looking for a paid course or private community, make sure to do thorough research and read reviews from past students. Look for courses that offer comprehensive training, up-to-date information on Pinterest’s algorithm and best practices, and practical tips and strategies for achieving success as a manager.

Joining a course or community can also provide you with connections to potential clients or job opportunities, as well as access to valuable resources such as templates, tools, and industry insights.

Best Pinterest Manager Courses (Free And Paid)

How To Become A Pinterest Manager? 10 Proven Strategies To Have

Best Paid Pinterest Manager Courses:

There are the top 3 paid Pinterest manager courses that past students and industry experts have highly recommended:

1. Pinterest VA: Become A Highly Paid Manager

This course by Kristen is designed specifically for virtual assistants who specialize in Pinterest management. It covers everything from setting up a Pinterest business account to creating effective strategies. It includes templates, case studies, and access to a private Facebook group for ongoing support and networking.

2. Pinterest VA Academy

This comprehensive course covers all aspects of Pinterest management, from creating a business account to running ad campaigns and providing analytics for clients. It also includes bonus training on Canva and Tailwind and access to a private community for ongoing support and guidance.

3. Simple Pin Master Course

This course is geared towards those looking to start their Pinterest management business. It covers topics such as setting up a website, pricing strategies, and client management. It also includes access to a private Facebook group and monthly coaching calls.

Best Free Pinterest Manager Courses:

4. Pinterest Traffic Avalanche

This free course provides in-depth training on using Pinterest for marketing and driving traffic to your website. It covers topics such as creating effective pins, utilizing keywords and using Pinterest analytics.

5. Pinterest Marketing 101

This course offers a comprehensive overview of Pinterest marketing for business owners, covering topics such as account setup, creating a compelling profile, and leveraging Pinterest’s algorithm.

6. Pinning Perfect

Pinning perfect is designed for bloggers and small business owners, this course covers everything from creating a Pinterest marketing strategy to understanding analytics and utilizing promoted pins. It also includes access to a private Facebook group for ongoing support and community.

Tips To Succeed In Pinterest Manager Jobs

1. Stay updated on the latest trends and algorithm changes: Pinterest is constantly evolving, so staying informed on any changes that may affect your strategies and services is essential.

2. Consistently analyze data and adjust strategies: Continuously monitoring the performance of pins and boards can help you determine what works best for your clients and make necessary adjustments.

3. Stay organized: You may have multiple clients and campaigns to manage as a Pinterest manager. Staying organized with calendars, task lists, and project management tools can ensure efficiency and success.

4. Communicate effectively with clients: Clear and frequent communication with clients is vital to providing high-quality services and maintaining strong relationships.

5. Network and collaborate: Building connections with other Pinterest managers, business owners, and industry experts can lead to new opportunities and collaborations.

6. Continuously educate yourself: The digital marketing landscape is always changing, so it’s important to stay updated on best practices and trends through courses, webinars, and industry events.

Must-Have Pinterest Management Tools To Have A Successful Online Business!

How To Become A Pinterest Manager? 10 Proven Strategies To Have

1. Tailwind: This scheduling tool allows you to plan and automate your pins and provides performance-tracking analytics.

2. Canva: Create eye-catching graphics and templates for Pinterest with this easy-to-use design platform.

3. Pinterest Analytics: Utilize the platform’s built-in analytics to track pin and board performance, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions.

4. Buffer: Another scheduling tool that allows you to manage multiple social media platforms, including Pinterest.

5. Hootsuite: Similar to Buffer, this tool offers social media management and scheduling for Pinterest and other platforms.

6. Google Analytics: Track website traffic from Pinterest referrals and gather audience demographics and behaviors data.

7. Pinterest Tag: This tool allows you to track conversions and measure the success of your promoted pins campaigns.

8. PinGroupie: A directory of active Pinterest group boards allowing you to find relevant communities to join or collaborate with.

9. PicMonkey: An online photo editing tool for creating visually appealing graphics and images for Pinterest.

10. Trello: A project management tool for organizing and managing client tasks, projects, and deadlines.

Pros And Cons Of Becoming A Pinterest Manager

Becoming a Pinterest Manager: A Comprehensive Insight

As the digital landscape evolves, the role of a Pinterest manager has emerged as an enticing opportunity. This profession entails curating and optimizing Pinterest accounts for businesses and individuals, aiming to boost their visibility and engagement on the platform.


  • Diverse Clientele: A Pinterest manager has the privilege of working with a diverse range of clients spanning various industries. This ensures a dynamic and engaging work experience.
  • Creativity Unleashed: The role allows for boundless creativity. Crafting visually appealing pins and designing strategic boards involves an artistic flair, making the job both challenging and rewarding.
  • Flexibility and Autonomy: Many Pinterest managers opt for freelancing, which translates into greater autonomy over one’s work schedule. This flexibility is particularly advantageous for those seeking a work-life balance.
  • In-Demand Skill Set: Pinterest is a powerful marketing tool, and the demand for skilled Pinterest Managers is on the rise. This can lead to a steady stream of clients and job opportunities.
  • Stay Updated with Trends: Managing Pinterest accounts requires staying current with the platform’s evolving algorithms and features. This continuous learning process keeps the job intellectually stimulating.
  • Impactful Marketing Channel: Pinterest can be a highly effective marketing channel for businesses, particularly those in visually-oriented industries like fashion, food, and interior design. A Pinterest Manager can play a crucial role in boosting a brand’s online presence.


  • Platform Dynamics: Staying abreast of Pinterest’s ever-evolving algorithms and policies can be demanding. Keeping up with the latest trends and features is a continuous learning process.
  • Client Expectations and Diversity: Satisfying diverse client expectations, each with unique brand identities and goals, can be challenging. Tailoring strategies to meet varying needs requires adaptability and a sharp analytical mindset.
  • Result Measurement (ROI): Gauging the direct impact of Pinterest management on a client’s overall marketing efforts can be intricate. ROI metrics may not always be as immediate or easily quantifiable as other digital marketing channels.

Remember, while these are general trends, individual experiences may vary based on factors like specific clientele, personal work style, and the evolving nature of the digital marketing landscape.

FAQs On Journey To Becoming A Pinterest Manager

FAQs On Journey To Becoming A Pinterest Manager

Why Do People Hire Pinterest Managers?

People hire Pinterest managers for various reasons, but the main goal is to increase traffic and conversions through the platform. Managing a successful Pinterest account takes time, strategy, and knowledge of the platform’s algorithms, so many business owners choose to outsource this task to professionals who specialize in it.

How Much Can I Earn as a Pinterest Manager?

The average salary for a Pinterest manager ranges from $25-$50 per hour, depending on experience and services offered. Some managers also charge a monthly retainer fee per month or work on a project basis.

Do I Need to Be an Expert in Graphic Design?

While having design skills can be beneficial, becoming a successful Pinterest manager is optional. There are many tools available (such as Canva) that make it easy to create visually appealing graphics without extensive design knowledge.

Conclusion: How To Become A Pinterest Manager

Aspiring Pinterest managers now know which strategies to employ for successful and lucrative results. With the increased visual content, now is the perfect time to deepen your knowledge and skills in becoming a Pinterest manager.

Follow these steps, and you will be able to grow an impressive customer base while increasing brand awareness at the same time. There are many tools, resources, and strategies out there that can help you become well-equipped to become a successful Pinterest manager, so remember to do your research as well!

Taking advantage of innovations such as scheduling pins with automation tools can also help you save time while boosting morale and overall productivity. Use this guide as a reference point for all your future successes and stay up-to-date with the latest trends in order to keep yourself ahead of the competition.

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