How To Get More Followers On Pinterest In 2024: Proven Working Strategies

Elmundodeals Staff

Editor’s name : Elmundodeals Staff | Uploaded On 30/03/2024

How To Get More Followers On Pinterest in 2024: 8 Proven Strategies That Work

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How To Get More Followers On Pinterest in 2024: 8 Proven Strategies That Work

Are you looking to increase your presence on Pinterest in 2024? With more and more people discovering the platform each year, Pinterest can be a powerful tool when used correctly.

Whether you’re a business owner, influencer, or someone wanting to create compelling content to share their personal interests with an ever-growing online community – gaining followers on Pinterest is essential for successful engagement.

In this blog post, we’ll cover 8 proven strategies to get more followers on Pinterest so that you can take advantage of what the visual platform has to offer! Keep reading if you want to learn how these simple techniques can help drive traffic and exponentially increase your opportunities for success.

Can I Get Followers On Pinterest In 2024?

How To Get More Followers On Pinterest in 2024

Absolutely! As mentioned earlier, since Pinterest’s user base continues to grow, with over 85 million monthly active users in the US alone, understanding and implementing Pinterest SEO has never been more crucial. It means there is a large and constantly expanding audience to tap into.

Additionally, Pinterest is not just a social media platform—it’s also a search engine. This means that as long as you create quality content and optimize your account correctly, you have the potential to reach even more users beyond your immediate followers on Pinterest. Since Pinterest recommends consistency and relevance, aligning your efforts with these guidelines can significantly boost your success on Pinterest.

So don’t hesitate to try these strategies and see how they can boost your follower count on Pinterest in 2024!

8 Proven Strategies To Build A Following On Pinterest

There are the 8 strategies we’ll cover in this post:

1. Pin 5 times a day

Pinning consistently is one of the easiest and most reliable ways to gain more followers on Pinterest. That’s why it’s important to pin at least five times a day and post high-quality images that are visually appealing to grow your Pinterest.

When you’re just getting started, having a lot of pins helps attract new people, so if you can, try to create Pinterest content in batches throughout the day so that by the end of the week or month, you have plenty of content ready to be published.

Tools like Canva or Photoshop come in handy when creating pins with catchy titles for your posts. These titles will draw attention from viewers and increase user engagement with your profile’s content. Just make sure they are relevant, informative, clickable, and written in a witty yet professional way!

When it comes down to timing your posts for maximum engagement potential on Pinterest, morning hours (between 7 AM and 9 AM) tend not to generate as much reach as afternoon slots (2 PM, 3 PM, and 4 PM). Pinterest also suggests considering your audience’s time zone for optimal timing.

Also, consider peak weekend traffic periods since many people hit “refresh” multiple times over those two days. Don’t forget about international users who may be online during different parts of the day compared to domestic users—try experimenting by posting at varying times across multiple time zones!

2. Use A Pin Scheduler

Using a Pinterest scheduler is an effective way to stay consistent and increase your followers on the platform, being a key part of a Pinterest marketing strategy and essential for boosting your Pinterest following. It’s an automated process that allows you to set up Pins in advance and schedule them accordingly, so you don’t have to worry about manually posting a Pin every time.

By default, Pinterest allows you to schedule up to 100 Pins as many as 30 days in advance (on Android and iPhone) and up to 14 days in advance on desktop. To start scheduling, log into your Pinterest business account, click “Create” at the top-left of your screen, and then click Create Pin. This is an essential step for maintaining a consistent presence and growing your following on Pinterest.

You’ll be able to pick an image or video for your Pin and add a title, description, and destination link. You can also select the option “Publish at a later date,” where you can choose the day/time for publishing.

Furthermore, social media scheduling tools like Tailwind can help automate this process even further, allowing users to not only schedule content but also analyze its performance once it goes live.

For example, seeing how many clicks or repins it gets during certain times of day or week (which helps determine peak engagement).

Proven Strategies To Build A Following On Pinterest

3. Create keyword-rich titles and descriptions- Pinterest Board

If you want to increase your organic reach on Pinterest and make sure that MORE people find your pins, creating keyword-rich titles and descriptions is essential. Using relevant keywords at the beginning of a title or description can help draw the attention of potential followers and customers, enhancing your content on Pinterest. Pinterest also suggests that well-crafted descriptions can improve visibility and engagement.

Additionally, try to use long-tail keywords, as they often have better organic search results than short-tail ones. For example, instead of using “fashion” as your short-tail keyword, try something more specific like “fashion trends for women,” as this will likely draw more attention from users searching for related content.

It’s also important to remember a key quote from the Pinterest team: “Don’t just show people your hiking boots, show them what they can do with your hiking boots.”

This serves as an excellent reminder that you needn’t be limited by writing only about what is pictured—think outside the box! To further optimize each Pin for SEO purposes and gain more followers on Pinterest, include relevant keywords in the pin description in its file name and alt text since search engines use both of these when considering rankings.

As we head into 2024, take some time crafting creative titles and pin descriptions with appropriate keywords. By doing so, you will tailor your content specifically to Pinterest’s algorithm and generate a vast readership who can easily find all the great things going on in your business or life!

4. Follow Others – Pinterest Following

Following other Pinterest users in your industry is the easiest yet most effective way to increase your followers. It can be overwhelming and time-consuming, but you can make it easier with a few tips.

Here are some tips for following other users on Pinterest to increase your followers:

1. Follow users in your niche: To do well on Pinterest, make sure you are ONLY following those with similar interests and content. Targeted followers will be more likely to follow you back and be interested in what you have to offer. Search for keywords and topics related to your niche to find like-minded people or boards on which they’re active.

2. Follow users who have a lot of followers: In most industries, there will always be powerhouses with massive following numbers! Identify such accounts and follow them. When you pin or repin their content, their large base of viewers is likely to come across it, thus increasing visibility for both parties involved!

3. Follow frequently active users on Pinterest to grow your number of followers.: Research has proven that the more active an account is (i.e., frequent posts & retweets) – the greater the number of new followers they are likely to gain compared to those who aren’t so active & consistent in terms of updates).

So focus primarily on finding people who frequent post regularly—every single day if possible! This should help bring more eyes and attention to your pins and make it easier for YOU to get noticed by others quickly, especially if you’re actively following on Pinterest and engaging with your Pinterest following.

5. Find popular keywords and boards – Pinterest Strategy

Finding popular keywords and boards on Pinterest can effectively grow your reach and attract new followers.

Pinterest is similar to platforms such as Facebook or LinkedIn, allowing you to join ‘boards’ that relate to your interests. Participating in groups, pinning relevant content, and engaging with other pinners’ Pinterest boards will make you more visible and help grow your following.

One simple yet powerful way to do this is to use the search bar on Pinterest. Simply type in keywords related to your niche (for example, ‘DIY furniture’) and see what results are returned. This should give you a pretty good indication of what’s trending within that particular topic.

Suppose you want something more comprehensive. In that case, there are also tools out there, like Pingroupie, which allow further exploration into trends around popular keywords, promoted pins, or topics on Pinterest.

The platform allows users to filter results by categories such as ‘Women’s Fashion’ or ‘Beauty’, making it easier for users interested in certain topics or niches to find relevant boards quickly without having to comb through thousands of pins looking for them manually!

Finally, another great tactic is joining larger group discussions within the platform, such as a group board where people share ideas about their interests—this can be an effective way of nurturing relationships with other professionals working in the same field while gaining valuable insights into current topics being discussed amongst those who share similar passions as yours!

Proven Strategies To Build A Following On Pinterest

6. Hashtags are extremely effective

Hashtags are incredibly powerful marketing tools on platforms like Pinterest that can help you reach more people, build an engaged community, and learn how to get more followers on Pinterest. Almost every social media platform allows users to include hashtags, including Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and even Pinterest.

Hashtags allow people to find the latest information or interesting pins on other social media platforms, like Pinterest, helping to boost your Pinterest profile’s discoverability.

Here are some key benefits of using hashtags in your pins: they will help new people discover your content (which ultimately allows you to have more Pinterest followers), and you can use niche-based hashtags to build a community on a specific topic.

They help you improve user engagement, and finally, you can create unique hashtags and idea pins specific to your brand, website, or business to increase brand awareness.

To ensure effective results when using hashtags to increase followership on Pinterest, here’s what we suggest: make sure all the hashtags used in each Pin are relevant; use a variety of hashtag types.

Popular ones (like #love), mid-tier ones (like #pictureoftheday), and low competition but still related ones (like #catsanddogs); research keywords related to each topic before choosing any hashtag to get more followers on Pinterest.

Create branded hashtags associated with your account/website/business, which makes it easier for others who want to check out content promoted specifically. Pin it from your page or profile; include location-based hashtags if applicable; pay attention that no two identical pins have the same set of hashtags, etc.).

By following these simple suggestions for effective hashtag usage on Pinterest—among other things—you will have great success in gaining more views as well as followership!

7. Don’t forget to use Pinterest analytics – Know How To Get

Remember to use Pinterest analytics, as it provides valuable information on how your pins are performing. This includes insights into audience demographics, top-performing pins and boards, and data on how much traffic your website is receiving from Pinterest to inform strategies for getting followers on Pinterest.

Here’s why you should be using Pinterest analytics: to learn how to get more followers on Pinterest and enhance your Pinterest SEO.

1. Track the performance of your content: With access to analytics, you can see which pins and boards are performing well, allowing you to create more successful content in the future. You can also track your pins’ engagement (likes, comments, repins) to gauge audience interest.

2. Understand your audience: Pinterest analytics provides demographic information such as gender, location, and interests of your audience. This can help you tailor your content and targeting strategies to reach your target audience better.

3. Optimize for SEO: Pinterest analytics also shows you which keywords drive the most traffic to your pins and boards. Use this information to optimize your content for Pinterest search engine optimization (SEO) purposes.

4. Track website traffic: By linking your website to your Pinterest account, you can track how much traffic is being driven to your website from the platform. You can also see which pins generate the most clicks to your website, allowing you to focus on creating more high-performing content. This insight is crucial for optimizing your Pinterest profile for better engagement in 2024.

Overall, utilizing Pinterest analytics is crucial for understanding and growing your presence on the platform. Pinterest provides detailed insights that can guide your content strategy. Make sure to regularly check in and analyze your performance on your Pinterest account to continually improve, attract more followers, and optimize your Pinterest SEO.

8. Run contests and giveaways – Potential Followers

One effective way to attract more followers on Pinterest is by running contests and giveaways, utilizing the platform’s potential for viral content. This digital marketing increases engagement and creates buzz around your brand or business.

Here are some tips for creating a successful contest or giveaway on Pinterest:

  • Clearly define the rules and guidelines: Ensure all participants understand what they need to do to be eligible for the contest or giveaway. This is a crucial strategy to get more followers on Pinterest. It could include following your account, reposting a pin, or using a specific hashtag.
  • Choose an attractive prize: Make sure the prize is relevant to your brand and something that will excite your audience.
  • Promote it across all social media platforms, including Pinterest, to enhance your Pinterest following. Don’t limit yourself to just Pinterest – promote the contest or giveaway on all of your social media channels to reach a wider audience, but specifically emphasize the Pinterest follow button to increase your followers on Pinterest.
  • Utilize group boards: Collaborating with other brands or influencers on group boards can help amplify your contest or giveaway and increase participation.
  • Announce the winner publicly: Once the contest or giveaway has ended, announce the winner publicly and share their winning Pinterest content – this shows transparency and encourages others to participate in future contests.

By running regular contests and giveaways, you can create a sense of excitement and exclusivity on your Pinterest account, ultimately attracting more followers and engagement. Just make sure to follow the platform’s guidelines and policies when it comes to promotions.

Tricks and Tips On How to Get More Pinterest Followers

Tricks and Tips On How to Get More Pinterest Followers

In addition to the strategies discussed above, including a solid Pinterest marketing strategy, here are some additional tips and tricks to help you gain more followers on Pinterest in 2024:

  • Consistency is key: Make sure to consistently post high-quality content that is relevant and engaging, and optimize it for Pinterest SEO to increase your visibility and following on Pinterest. It will help keep your current followers on Pinterest interested while also attracting new ones.
  • Utilize rich pins to improve your content on your Pinterest account. Rich pins have more information and details than regular pins, making them stand out on the platform. Since Pinterest prioritizes content value, employing rich pins can be a smart move for success on Pinterest. Use rich pins to showcase your products or services visually appealingly.
  • Collaborate with other brands and influencers: Partnering with other accounts can help expose your content to a larger audience and attract new followers.
  • Utilize Pinterest ads to reach a larger audience and get more followers on Pinterest. Investing in these ads can be a crucial part of your Pinterest strategy to boost your website on Pinterest. Running paid ads on Pinterest can help increase your reach and attract new followers. Make sure to utilize targeting options to reach your desired audience on Pinterest. Pinterest recommends leveraging its rich targeting capabilities to enhance your advertising effectiveness.
  • Engage with your audience: Respond to comments and engage with other users on the platform to remain active on Pinterest and foster a sense of community around your brand. It shows authenticity and can help build a loyal following.
  • Stay up-to-date with Pinterest trends to ensure your content remains relevant and attracts new followers. Look for trending topics, styles, and hashtags on Pinterest, which can significantly improve your Pinterest SEO. Incorporating these into your content can help attract more followers who are interested in those specific topics.
  • Share user-generated content: Encourage your followers to tag you or use a branded hashtag when they post about your brand or products, and remind them of the Pinterest follow button to increase your Pinterest following. This helps increase engagement and allows you to share their content with your audience on Pinterest, building a sense of community and encouraging them to follow you on Pinterest.

By implementing these tips and tricks, you can continue to grow your followership on Pinterest and increase the success of your content. Remember to always analyze your performance and adjust your strategies accordingly to improve and continually attract more followers! It is integral to developing a successful Pinterest strategy.

Conclusion: How To Get More Followers On Pinterest

Pinterest is a powerful platform for businesses and individuals looking to showcase their products, services, or brands and significantly increase their followers on Pinterest. Utilizing the strategies discussed in this document can substantially increase your Pinterest follower count.

Optimizing your Pinterest profile, creating high-quality content, utilizing analytics, running contests and giveaways, and implementing tips and tricks – you can effectively attract and grow your followers on Pinterest.

Additionally, by consistently monitoring and analyzing your performance and adjusting your strategies accordingly, you can continue to improve and attract even more followers on the platform.

Remember to keep engaging with your audience and staying up-to-date with trends to stay relevant and grow your presence on social media sites and Pinterest. So, keep pinning and watch your followership soar!

How To Get More Followers On Pinterest in 2024: 8 Proven Strategies That Work

FAQs On Ways To Get Pinterest Audience

Do I have to pay for Pinterest analytics?

No, Pinterest analytics is a free tool available to all business accounts on the platform, offering valuable insights for refining your Pinterest strategy.

Can I run contests or giveaways on my personal account?

Yes, you can run contests and giveaways on your personal account as long as they follow Pinterest’s guidelines and policies. However, running them on a business account allows you access to more features and data for tracking and analyzing performance, which is especially useful for understanding your Pinterest following.

Can I schedule pins on Pinterest?

Yes, you can use third-party scheduling tools such as Tailwind or Hootsuite to schedule your pins in advance. This can help save time and consistently post content at optimal times for engagement. Plus, some scheduling tools provide additional features such as hashtag suggestions and analytics.

Is there a limit to the number of pins I can post daily?

Pinterest does not have an official limit on the number of pins you can post per day. However, it is recommended to keep it between 15 and 25 pins per day to avoid overwhelming your followers’ feeds. Quality over quantity is key on Pinterest.

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